1800 NOM-ADS (666 237)

Bed Hopper Multi Night pass

Bed Hopper passes are the simplest way you can buy your accommodation when you are on the road. You need somewhere to stay each night, so enjoy the flexibility and convenience of buying all your accommodation in one go. Simply put the accommodation in your back pocket to spend at any of our hostels! You’ll also have great peace of mind knowing that your accommodation is already paid for.

How to Use: To make a booking, contact the hostel directly by email or phone. Make sure to quote your unique Bed Hopper card number. We recommend minimum 48 hours’ notice. Read the Terms and Conditions for more information and check the Additional Information Tab for Hostel Contact Details.

Website owned and operated by Nomads World Hotels Pty Ltd, registered in Australia ABN: 13 095 555 178. Copyright © 2017 Nomads World Hotels Pty Ltd.
Head Office: 477 Kent St Sydney NSW 2000. PO Box Q139, QVB Sydney NSW 1230
Email: bookings@nomadsworld.com - Tel: 1800 NOMADS (666 237)